This site is a collection of most of the posts (172) I've written.
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- #year-reviews
Automate installing apps and utilities with Homebrew bundle
Published:My 2024 Macbook setup
Updated:A guide on setting up Apple Macbook for daily development work.
Tag gardening
Published:Tracking notes created in Obsidian with Dataview
Published:How to permanently hide folders from graph view in Obsidian
Published:Change cursor color in VS Code to use a linear gradient
Published:The extension APC Customize UI++ allows customizations that are beyond VS Code’s abilities.
Stash changes in a git repository with VS Code
Updated:2023 - A year in review
Published:View most used commands with zsh_stats
Published:Hide and unhide files or directories visibility with chflags on macOS
Published:Change comment color visibility in a VS Code theme
Published:Pomodoro technique with CLI on macOS
Published:My default apps in 2023
Published:Remove bottom border or shadow on header in React Navigation or Expo Router
Published:How to configure ESLint and Prettier in an Expo project
Published:Resolve merge conflicts with git rebase
Published:How to clear global npx cache
Published:Bypass CORS to fetch files when working with localhost
Published:Setup Macbook M1 for Web and React Native development
Published:Set default location for images, files and attachments in Obsidian
Published:Convert png to jpg using ffmpeg
Published:Keep homebrew up to date
Published:2022 - A year in review
Published:Change the color of hidden files and folders in VS Code
Published:How to add opacity to a Pressable component in React Native
Published:Open any folder from the Terminal app in a Finder on macOS
Published:How to push local git tag to remote repository on GitHub
Published:How to remove console statements from React Native apps
Published:Getting Started with React Navigation v6 and TypeScript in React Native
Published:How to remove AsyncStorage warning when using Firebase JS SDK with React Native
Published:Patterns and Anti-patterns in Node.js
Published:How to show Touch indicator on iOS simulator
Published:How to handle Deep Linking in a React Native app
Published:When to use keyExtractor prop in React Native's FlatList
Published:Set up a Next.js project with ESLint, Prettier, Husky, and Lint Staged
Published:How to install Node.js using NVM on macOS M1
Published:Implementing Infinite Scroll with React Query and FlatList in React Native
Published:How to rename default branch in Git and GitHub
Published:Tamagui for React Native: Create faster design systems
Published:2021 - A year in review
Published:Create a custom hook to Show/Hide Password Visibility in React Native
Published:How to avoid notches with Safe Area Context in React Native apps
Published:How to configure VS Code Bracket Pair Colors natively
Published:How to add Splash Screen and an App Icon in React Native
Published:How to use iOS simulator in full-screen
Published:How to solve RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load warning on iOS for React Native
Published:How to Offer Multi-language Support in a React Native App
Published:GET Request params with Axios
Published:How To Integrate Firebase Authentication With an Expo App
Published:Common Prop Types in TypeScript and React
Published:Prop types in React and TypeScript
Published:Life at Draftbit - First 3 Months as a Developer Advocate
Published:How to Create a Custom Image Gallery in React Native
Published:How to Create a Custom Tab Bar in React Native
Published:How to use ES6 import syntax in Node.js
Published:How to upload an image using Expo Camera to Cloudinary
Published:How to use React Native Geolocation to get Postal Address
Published:React Native Performance Do and Dont
Published:How to use shared element transitions in React Native
Published:How to remove bottom tab bar border in React Navigation
Published:How to use redux-persist in React Native with Asyncstorage
Published:How to add an app icon in a React Native Android app
Published:Year rewind: 2020
Published:How to create a custom scrollbar with React Native Animated API
Published:How to manage state in React apps with useReducer and useContext hooks
Published:Creating and Validating React Native Forms with Formik
Published:How to use HarperDB instance with React Hooks
Published:How to Animate a Header View on Scroll With React Native Animated
Published:Add Environment Variables in a Netlify Deployment
Published:How to use React Router and real time user monitoring in React apps
Published:Build a REST API with Node.js and HarperDB
Published:Firebase config in a React app
Published:Styling The React Native Way
Published:How to integrate Material UI library in React apps
Published:Chat app with React Native (Part 6) - Create a custom hook to change status bar styles
Published:Creating Quarantine Pro — A Fun Learning Experiment in React Native
Published:Chat app with React Native (Part 5) - Create and Fetch Real-Time Messages with Firestore
Published:How to create custom wavy headers with react-native-svg
Published:Chat app with React Native (Part 4) - A guide to create Chat UI Screens with react-native-gifted-chat
Published:Chat app with React Native (Part 3) - Create Firestore collections to store chat rooms
Published:How to add a Search bar in a FlatList in React Native apps
Published:Chat app with React Native (Part 2) - Firebase Email Authentication with react-native-firebase
Published:Blogging tips after 3 years and a 100+ posts
Published:Chat app with React Native (Part 1) - Build reusable UI form elements using react-native-paper
Published:How to create a custom hook to change status bar styles for every screen using React Navigation
Published:Nesting Tab and Stack navigators in React Native and Expo apps
Published:Getting Started with Stack Navigator using react-navigation 5 in React Native and Expo apps
Published:How to handle navigation in WebViews in a React Native app
Published:Getting Started with React Native and Expo using Hooks in 2020
Published:How to use React Native Localize in React Native apps
Published:Implement Push notifications for Android apps with React Native
Published:Handle different field types in React Native forms with formik and yup
Published:How to implement Forgot Password feature in React Native with Firebase
Published:Image Classification on React Native with TensorFlow.js and MobileNet
Published:Build and validate forms in React Native using Formik and Yup
Published:Changing app themes using React Native, Styled Components and Redux
Published:Using Context API with React Native
Published:How Authentication Flow works in React Native apps using React Navigation 4.x
Published:How to Build an Audio Player in React Native
Published:Build a Not Hotdog clone with React Native