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2024 - A year in review


6 min read

As 2024 draws close, it’s time for my annual year in review reflection. This tradition helps me analyze and appreciate the various projects and experiences that shaped my year. Let’s dive into what 2024 brought.

This year, I was mostly focused on work, so nothing much happened on this site. I’ll keep this post short.


One thing that might not get enough credit but I believe has been quite significant was the integration of the Vale prose lint tool, which improved Expo docs documentation quality:


A significant milestone this year was migrating from Next.js to Astro after three years. The migration brought several benefits:

Migrating to Astro isn’t about trying the new shiny framework. Some of the above-mentioned benefits really matter to me in order to keep this blog running in the long run. I’ll discuss this in more detail in a future post.

Occupied in personal and professional life, finding time to write more blog posts didn’t come naturally this year. However, I ended up publishing 15 new blog posts this year. It turns out people still find my blog through Google and other search engines and visit this blog. Here are some of the most visited blog posts this year:

Blog in numbers

The analytics from Fathom show some interesting trends this year. With over 100k page views, the blog has maintained a steady readership.

What’s particularly interesting is how certain technical guides continue to provide value long after publication:

Also, most visitors are coming through search engines:

This year, I also made analytics more transparent by creating “/slash” pages and making the stats public at /stats/. This allows readers to explore the data and aligns with my belief in open metrics.

Highlights from my GitHub

A couple of years back, I started to maintain a single repository for all the demos and example apps I write using React Native and Expo. These example apps are mostly part of the tutorials you see on this blog. This year, it reached 960+ stars. It’s still being actively maintained.

I made a lot of commits

My role at Expo continues to be a major driver of my GitHub activity. The dense contribution graph reflects me working on Expo’s documentation among other things:

A big shout and a huge thanks to folks who sponsored me on GitHub this year!


I didn’t travel to my liking and only managed to escape on a couple of occasions.

App.js conf 2024

This year’s App.js conference was a good one. There are so many amazing people sharing expert knowledge to make the lives of React Native and Expo developers better.

I’m extremely thankful that I got the opportunity to visit this year. This was my 4th time visiting the conference. Meeting people you work with in person was the highlight of the conference for me this year.

Everything from the venue, the beautiful city of Krakow, and quality talks was a great experience. Kudos to the organizers for hosting it!


I successfully completed my yearly Goodreads reading challenge, diving into books across different domains. Here are my picks that I enjoyed reading too much:

Wrapping up

That’s a wrap! Even though this year was full of anxiety, I think the last two months have been much better in terms of me achieving the restricted state of inner tranquility.

If you made it so far, I appreciate you!

If you are curious about the previous year-in-review posts or how long I have been writing these posts, check out the links below:

Onwards to 2025.

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I'm a software developer and technical writer. On this blog, I share my learnings about both fields. Recently, I have begun exploring other topics, so don't be surprised if you find something new here.

Currently, working as a documentation lead at Expo.