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My Top Tutorials in Web Development and React Native in 2018


5 min read

When the year 2018 started I wasn’t sure where am I headed to. I had recently started freelancing as a developer, paying bills for myself was my highest priority after leaving traditional 9 to 6(and the countless number of hours spent on commuting). One thing I had realised previously was that an expression of freedom was loving the work you do at your terms. There is no linear virgule to the path of success and financial independency.

Devoting rest of my time and energy to share my knowledge in form of articles through this blog was not on my mind at all then. I used to write long or short tutorials explaining one framework from point of view of a beginner or the trouble I had getting started with a new framework, just for the sake that fellow developers won’t have to spend endless hours Googling about a certain library or the topic that they need to use or learn, for a bigger picture they are working on. I still follow this pattern closely when writing a new article today. My motive is to add value rather than take reader’s time with no end result for either of us.

Forward few months, when people started reading and appreciating my writing by expressing gratitude in any way possible, some of my content helped them, there was a new sense of responsibility and a new goal that I had to accomplish.

I have had previous experience in blogging and writing. Running a book blog for past five years, published in some poetry magazines, published by own ebook on Book Blogging and not consistently running a tech blog on Medium for more than a year at the time.

I can say, in these 365 days I have learned a lot about marketing one self shamelessly, promoting content in a manner that doesn’t enforce, identifying the constructive criticism, making connections, gettinh paid to write and in the end some personal things about myself.

Achieving half a million views on the written content soon became a target goal for me and I can say, I did accomplish it blissfully.

Creating content with the thought glued in your consciousness that you have to provide value to the reader is a goal hard to accomplish but if done in tiniest bits, not impossible.

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. ― Ursula K. Le Guin

Thus, in below, I am summarising a list of articles that I think will help you achieve your goal or fill that gap in the year 2019 if your goal in the new is to become a developer 🎉.

Web Development

Javascript is often thought of a web programming language but Javascript, and javascript frameworks such as NodeJS, have many applications apart from just web apps including desktop applications, mobile applications, embedded systems, and back-end development.

If you are in web development (as I am), and you also want to explore new applications in machine learning, you may be wondering, ‘do I have to wander spend time learning a whole new programming language to explore machine learning?’ No, in fact. Machine learning concepts can be explored with many different programming language and frameworks, including NodeJS.

Top NodeJS Libraries and Tools For Machine Learning

Get familiar with function-as-a-service (FaaS), deploy a demo on a AWS Lambda serverless computing platform, hook up a MongoDB database-as-a-service to a serverless REST API.

How to Build a Serverless Backend with AWS Lambda and Nodejs

Hello World! with GraphQL — In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a GraphQL server with Nodejs and Express using Apollo Server library 2.0.

Creating a GraphQL server with NodeJS

In the article below, I will describe how to take an existing Web Application that is build using MongoDB, ExpressJS, Node.js, and React (often called as MERN stack) on a deployment service like Heroku. If you have an existing application built using the same tech stack, you can definitely skip the process in which I show you to quickly build a web application and go straight on to the deployment part.

Deploy a MERN stack app on Heroku

Another MERN related in-detail article where you will learn to create a JWT powered login/signup system with glimpse into using Material UI library with ReactJS.

Building a MERN Stack App With Material UI

React Native

Building a React or React Native application in the real world can become complex if there is not a proper way to handle data. If at any point the data is not managed, things will get out of hand. Redux is an important part of the React Native ecosystem. If your world revolves around JavaScript, you’ve probably heard about Redux. Before reading the rest of the tutorial and going further, just try to remember that you are only learning about Redux because it will make things easier for you, and not more difficult.

How to integrate Redux into your application with React Native and Expo

React Native is a great framework to develop cross-platform mobile applications for the platforms iOS and Android. In this, I’m going to take you through the process of building a “minimalist” weather application using React Native by fetching real-time data

Building a Minimalist Weather App with React Native and Expo

My most acclaimed article so far in 2018 is the one below. It guides how to get started using React Native and tries to clear the misconceptions that I have found in somewhere about React Native using DOM and is a hybrid app development framework. It is not.

React Native: How to Setup Your First App

In 2019, I look forward to add more value to the tech community and help fellow developers achieve their goals and may be reach another half million views.

Originally published at Hackernoon

I'm a software developer and a technical writer. On this blog, I write about my learnings in software development and technical writing.

Currently, working as a documentation lead at Expo.