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How to change light and dark Shiki themes when using Astro


2 min read

Shiki is Astro’s built-in syntax highlighter. While it requires minimum configuration to set up, its real power shines when you configure dual themes to match your site’s light and dark themes. It also bundles a ton of modern themes that can be used by defining the theme’s name in the configuration.

Understanding the configuration

The key to implementing dual themes lies in two files:

Let’s take a look at the changes needed in each file.

Updating Astro configuration

Inside your astro.config.ts, modify the Shiki configuration to support both light and dark themes. Start by changing the theme to themes object for dual theme support in shikiConfig and add those theme names.

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  shikiConfig: {
    themes: {
      light: 'rose-pine-dawn',
      dark: 'rose-pine-moon'

This replaces the single theme approach (which earlier was set to: theme: 'rose-pine-moon').

Styling Shiki for dark mode

You need to add appropriate CSS to handle the theme switching. By default, Shiki uses the .shiki class to add theme styles based on the class name. Astro provides a .astro-code class to add styles for dark themes.

Add the following styles in your src/styles/base.css:

@layer base {
  html[data-theme='dark'] pre:has(code),
  html[data-theme='dark'] pre:has(code) span {
    color: var(--shiki-dark) !important;
    background-color: var(--shiki-dark-bg) !important;
    font-style: var(--shiki-dark-font-style) !important;
    font-weight: var(--shiki-dark-font-weight) !important;
    text-decoration: var(--shiki-dark-text-decoration) !important;
  /* ... */

Now, when the theme changes, these CSS variables will update automatically and appropriately for the dark theme.

Wrapping up

With these changes, your code blocks will automatically adapt to the theme defined in your Shiki configuration.

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I'm a software developer and technical writer. On this blog, I share my learnings about both fields. Recently, I have begun exploring other topics, so don't be surprised if you find something new here.

Currently, working as a documentation lead at Expo.