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My default apps in 2024


2 min read

Most apps have stayed the same since my last year’s list. The main thing that changed this year for me is to use a proper task manager app instead of storing todos in Obsidian and needing access to it all the time (I don’t have Obsidian on my iPhone). I like Obsidian for note taking, storing permanent notes, or creating drafts, but setting reminders, deadlines, or quickly capturing tasks felt overwhelming. To replace this, and after trying three different apps, I returned to an old app I’ve used: Things 3.

The list below is mostly a revision from last year.

Now, there are a few categories I want to add myself:

This covers app the list of apps that I use almost daily either for work or for personal use.

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I'm a software developer and technical writer. On this blog, I share my learnings about both fields. Recently, I have begun exploring other topics, so don't be surprised if you find something new here.

Currently, working as a documentation lead at Expo.